British digital manifesto should embrace all-comers
Posted on 15th February 2015 by TBrit Staff

It’s time for disruption in the startup scene. The middle class values should be overturned.
We should stop assuming everyone can borrow money from rich relatives, for most of us they don’t exist. We don’t all have mortgages, so remortgaging is not an option. We should stop assuming entrepreneurs can devote all their time to their personal ventures – most have demanding day jobs to hold down. We shouldn’t be prepared to fail – it’s not an option when the alternative is unemployment and we should help them face reality at an early stage. Running a business is alien to our upbringing and training – we need free advice and mentoring.
All inclusive
Let us open the doors to strings-free bursaries for great unfunded invention. Let’s point the way and help the unemployed to find a new digital direction. Let us support graduates burdened by tuition debt from the outset of their ventures. Let’s teach our children to understand how they can shape and improve the technologies they love but take for granted.
Let’s see government finance spread more wisely to nurture the Digital Revolution. Let us stop offering inducements to US companies to come over here and parasitise our great ideas – they know they need us and they will come anyway, with encouragement and not inducement. Let’s make it easier to import talent from around the world. Let’s start talking about superfast upload speeds for everyone – downloads speeds are for consumers not producers.
Let’s stop kidding ourselves that London is the cradle of digital Britain. Let us look to the North and the West for great ideas on how to build something from nothing in the face of adversity. Being ignored for years has created a whole University of Hard Knocks tempered by a true spirit of philanthropy, self-help and co-operation. Let’s show Britain to be a crucible of white-hot innovation and make it great.
Let us truly believe and strive as a nation to light the torch of TechBritannia and dazzle the world.
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