British startup enables greener and remote working for R&D departments
Posted on 18th June 2020 by Jon Howell

Producing prototypes or small batches of products can often rely on outsourced manufacturing, sometimes even overseas, but UK startup Mayku is aiming to change all that by offering an industrial-grade vacuum former that fits on a desktop.
Lean green vacuum former machine
“The meagre power requirements and low impact nature of the FormBox can lead to a far greener approach for design and R&D departments,” said Alex Smilansky, Co-Founder and CEO of Mayku. On top of that, the convenience of being able to continue the product development process even at home will save employees having to travel to the office, meaning that they can help support the lockdown by working remotely. “Obviously with your production capability sitting on your own desk, the turnaround times are much faster too.”
Mayku has come a long way since their KickStarter campaign in 2018, subsequently appearing on City AM’s list of top 50 startups for 2019. The London-based startup has seen a 100% month-on-month growth throughout the months of March and April 2020, which the company attributes to the restricted working practises enforced as part of the Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The company believes that the growth spurt has come about because R&D departments have had to close, with workers unable to gain access to the vital equipment and materials they need to continue crucial product development, prototyping, and manufacturing work.
Surviving lockdown
Supply disruption, the closure of offices and buildings, and sheer manufacturing capacity are just some of the factors that Mayku believes businesses are currently having to contend with. “Every single one of these factors has a considerably detrimental effect on each and every business,” said Smilansky. “Furthermore, with the future market and customer demand unclear as a result of the ever-changing circumstances surrounding Coronavirus, priorities across R&D projects will also remain uncertain, preventing businesses from committing time and resources to new projects.”
The firm firmly believes they are in a position to help the UK economy back to health with their customers being able to restart R&D and prototyping remotely. Smilansky is convinced that this could lead to a greener approach for the long-term future too, despite COVID-19 being the current driving force. “We are committed to providing the tools, expertise, and support needed for thousands more businesses to succeed and thrive, during the pandemic and beyond,” he said.
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